Completed projects
Ammonia converter delivery from Romania to Uzbekistan
  • Navoiy, Republic of Uzbekistan
  • 7,980 tons, 35,800 cubic meters
  • Ammonia converter of 422 tons, 27,780 x 4,290 x 5,000 mm
    Auxiliary boiler of 240 tons, 12,700 x 8,700 x 10,720 mm
    CO2 absorber of 360 tons, 49,080 x 6,100 x 6,760 mm
    CO2 evaporator of 269 tons, 52,540 x 7,100 x 7,490 mm

Equipment from the ports of shipment was sent by a lift vessel to the port of Constantsa, where transshipment was carried out from the sea vessel to the vessels for river-sea navigation and barge towing arrangements. Oversize and overweight cargo reloading carried out according to the "side-by-side" option. Then the equipment delivered via the Volga-Don Ship Canal and the Caspian Sea to the port of Kuryk, Kazakhstan.

The main difficulties of oversize and overweight cargo ground transportation include: the long route length (~1,700 km) from the port of Kuryk to the construction site in Navoiy; the bad repair roads including dirt roads and more than 100 bridge structures and most of the raod were in a state of disrepair.

IPL Kazakhstan has completed a set of works to develop the route and upgraded road infrastructure facilities to a normative state:

  • Total number of objects is 61
  • The number of bridges is 27

Bridges work included:

  • longitudinal seam repair (reinforced concrete structures) and reinforcing lay-on-type plates installation
  • supports repair and reinforcement (installation of foundation frame for combining piles, reinforcing metal structures installation)
  • locking rods (attachments) replacement– complete dismantling of superstructures, supports repair, installation of superstructures to new locking rods and installation of lay-on-type plates
  • construction of a new arched bridge

Other class of work:

  • turning circles expansion, road crossing reconfiguration
  • transfer of communications – power lines (laying underground, replacing supports), gas pipelines
  • bypass passage construction (highway-over crossing, overhead electric line, traffic police posts)
  • around 10 km of bypass roads have been built

From the transportation arrangement point, the most challenging was the transportation of the ammonia converter of 422 tons and the auxiliary boiler of 12 meters high.

Due to the limited height of the boiler, a 6.5 km bypass road was built under the railway overpass and the power lines were disconnected and dismantled along the way.

To ensure that ammonia converter of 422 tons could be transported over bridges requiring low axial loads, the company's specialists applied developed transportation scheme of two trailers with 22 axles and turntable coupling.

The work performed by the specialists of IPL Kazakhstan was much appreciated by the customer: the cargo was delivered on time and complete integrity.

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Sludge catcher delivery
Equipment delivery to the Karachaganak oil and gas condensate field
  • Italy - Karachaganak field (Kazakhstan)
  • 241,000 kg, 22.18x4.73x5.49 meters
  • Cargo is the Sludge catcher

In 2023, IPL Kazakhstan has executed a major project to deliver the sludge catcher of more than 240 tons to the Karachaganak oil and gas condensate field, Kazakhstan, is one of the largest oil and gas condensate fields in the world. The project took 80 days to complete and divided into several stages.

The first stage was the delivery of the sludge catcher from the manufacturer's factory in Italy and its transshipment in the port of St. Petersburg. The "Northern" route for transportation was chosen for special reasons since the procedure for receipt of the passage of loaded foreign vessels under the Crimean Bridge and its inspection have been introduced that could lead to demurrage of the vessel and extra costs. Under the capable guidance of our specialists and the developed stowage and securing project, the sludge catcher transferred to barges using two LHM-800 mobile harbor cranes with a lifting capacity of 300 tons each.

Upon arrival at the port of Kazakhstan, the company had to complete the final stage of delivery using its own equipment: transshipment of cargo from the barge to a hydraulic modular trailer with 22-axles and 2 ballast prime movers and transportation by road to Aksai, where the Karachaganak processing complex is located. The 1,600 km long ground route featured of the dangerous parts with long lifts and a large number of high-voltage lines that were temporarily disconnected or dismantled for the safe passage of the road train. The tasks of the company were to dismantle the frames of speed control system that limited the maximum height of vehicles passing through as well as to implement engineering solutions for the arrangement of temporary detours.

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Robert bosch
Bosch boilers delivery from the factory of German to Shymkent (Kazakhstan)
  • Germany-Kazakhstan, 7000 km
  • 10.76 x 4.52 x 4.79
  • the Boilers of 85 240 kg / 5 units

This completed project is impressive in its scope, quality and efficiency. It was a very complex project to transport the boilers of 85,000 kg / each. It was necessary to cover about 7,200 km. The journey started from the Bosch plant in Gunzenhausen (Germany), transportation to the port in Rota and then by sea through the canal the boilers were delivered to Rotterdam (Netherlands) and to St. Petersburg (Russia), then the boilers sent to the city of Shymkent (Kazakhstan). Because of the height (about five meters) in some places it was necessary to temporarily dismantle the power lines. Difficult weather conditions also created challenges as transportation was carried out during the winter months - the roads were partially covered with snow and ice. But thanks to an experienced team and well-coordinated work, the boilers safely reached final destination in 8 weeks. The bailers installed and the first two of boilers have already put into operation by Bosch service.

The next task was to install the boilers. Our company's specialists unloaded five BOSCH boilers of 86-tons from vehicles, turned to 90° and installed on the foundation in pre-prepared places. The work performed in a limited area with pits. The total weight of the installed equipment was 350 tons.

The company is grateful to the client for their trust and our specialists for their high-quality work.

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